Accommodating over 30,000 people is no easy task. I mean, imagine the tons of food that is cooked, the thousands of spoons used at lunch time and the amount of logistics for departments such as hygiene, accommodation transport are monumental .

How do the departments fulfil their logistical needs?

How many deliveries are needed during Jalsa?

How does this department cope with the pressure ?

Find out below !


Stepping into the Jalsa Store was extremely over whelming. The huge boxes of plates decorated the high storage spaces, the thousands of transparent disposable cups were visible in every direction and we stared at the tons of rice and flour  which was piled up in corners ready to be transported to the Langar Khana. We saw hundreds of Weetabix (the classic morning boost) and Cornflakes boxes packed onto shelves and there was truck loads of sugar arriving .

The atmosphere was stuck in a constant motion of hustle and bustle , people were literally pulling  thousands of litres of watered bottles on trollies, whilst the Audit and Records department was constantly tapping away on keyboards, filling out excel sheets.

Trying to grab hold of a volunteer proved to be extremely difficult as the supply  from all the Jalsa departments was extremely high indeed.

Nevertheless , the Nazim (overall supervisor) managed to arrange his ‘best volunteer‘ for an exclusive interview with Jalsa Connect. And so we had a quick chat with the young Mahid Khan, from London

Here is what he does:

“I get all the sheets from the people in charge, I then get a pallet and get the stuff ready for that particular order. After this, I fill out a sheet which tell them who’s order this is. Then I grab  plastic  cling film and wrap the whole lot, once that’s done,  I move the pallet outside ready for delivery.

“I start at 9 am in the morning and usually work until 10 pm, however, last night I worked till 1:00 am “


The Jalsa Connect team also bumped into the Lajna Correspondence team, who supply the whole logistical needs to the Lajna departments of Jalsa Salana. Here is what they told us:

We are the Lajna Correspondence team, essentially we supply every single lajna department with their logistical needs. From small spoons to fridges, the lot , we supply everything. Everything you can think of we take from this store to the Lajna. We do more than 20 trips a day ! ”

Keeping a record of every delivery is extremely difficult, it requires constant attention and full focus!

Mudabir Sadid and Asif Nabeel explained further:

This is a very busy place, we have to constantly update the excel sheets so we can keep everything up to date. Every day, during Jalsa, there are well over 120 different deliveries for various departments. Every so often we have about 10 – 15 large crates of supply coming in for our stock pile.”

There you have it, now you know how Jalsa Salana is supplied and the intensity of the work involved!

Tell us what you think about the logistics of Jalsa Salan in the comment box below.