This Week With Huzoor
This Week With Huzoor - 9 June 2023
9 Jun 23
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Amila members of Majlis Ansarullah from Canada. In the Friday Sermon Huzoor spoke about the life of the Holy Prophet (sa). 0:00 - Intro 0:51 - Introduction of Mulaqat with Ansar Amila members from Canada. 1:27 - Conversation with Naib Sadr. 1:54 - Conversation with Qaid Isha’at and Huzoor’s guidance regarding their magazine. 3:44 - Conversation with Qaid Tarbiyyat and Huzoor’s guidance on 5 daily prayers. 4:43 - Conversation with Qaid Amoomi. 5:39 - Conversation with Qaid Tarbiyyat new converts. 7:03 - How can parents bridge the communication gap between their children so that they can raise them in the best manner? 12:50 - Concluding remarks and Huzoor’s guidance for Ansarullah. 17:03 - Friday Sermon Clip 9 June 2023.
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