This Week With Huzoor - 23 April 2021
23 Apr 21

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) presides over mulaqats with Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian and Indonesia's Khuddam Office Bearers.


1:04​ - Nazam, during which a video was played showing Qadian.

4:10​ - General report on Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian.

4:49​ -  When will Beloved Huzoor (aba) visit Qadian again?

5:54​ - How to establish a personal connection with Khalifa-e-Waqt?

7:48​ - How to preach to those living in village areas?

14:50​ - Has Huzoor faced any difficulties and how Huzoor overcame those?

16:30​ - How does Huzoor check all letters and reply to them?

18:10​ - How to derive pleasure in Salat?

21:29​ - How to start work in field after graduating from Jamia?

26:22​ - Mulaqat with Indonesia's Khuddam Office Bearers.

26:47​ - Huzoor advises the Khidmat-e-Khalq secretary to increase service for humanity in both Indonesia and worldwide.

27:43​ - Huzoor discussed a nationwide plan with the Mohtamim Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya.

28:32​ - Huzoor asked about Indonesia Khuddam publications. 

29:46​ - Huzoor speaks to Murabi Sahib who was translating.

30:48​ - Clip from the Friday Sermon.

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